Tuesday, August 18, 2020

BLOOD DIVIDED Cover Art Reveal!

 Hi all!

With the release of BLOOD DIVIDED less than a month away, I want to share the cover painting art. This cover was done by Pablo Fernadez Angulo. He did the cover of SOUL BORN, and I loved it, so the publisher and I had to return to him for another amazing piece of art.

Here it is:

Tala. Blood Divided. Kevin James Breaux

This is a digital painting of Tala, the mysterious elf from SOUL BORN. Much has transpired between the books. Tala has an incredible new role to play.

Pablo did an amazing job, don't you think? 

I will post the cover design and the release dates soon!

Thanks all!

Write Makes Might!

Kevin James Breaux


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

SOUL BORN ORIGINS: OPAL available while you wait to read BLOOD DIVIDED

Hi all,

If you are waiting to read BLOOD DIVIDED, head over to my website (newly reworked) and pic up the free PDF that tells the tale of Opal's origin. 

Here is the direct link to the SOUL BORN page: https://www.kevinbreaux.com/soul-born just scroll down to the bottom. You will see the place to click and download the file. 

SOUL BORN ORIGINS: OPAL is a fun read. And gives some good insight to how Opal became the person she is in the first book. 

I have written other supplemental short stories, but they are meant to read after BLOOD DIVIDED. 

Hope you enjoy!

Kevin James Breaux

Stay safe everyone!